Hailey Bieber brings back the Bob!

Anyone who knows Hailey Bieber, knows she can wear any hairstyle and still be one of the most beautiful women in the world! She is definitely not afraid to change her hair, and that’s good news for us non-celebs, because we can get tons of style ideas from her. Last year Ms. Hailey started a mane trend toward bobs, and the trend hasn’t let up!

While Ms. Bieber’s long, sun-kissed tresses are gorgeous, they are not practical for most women. A bob is much easier to wear and can be styled simply, compared to long waves that take a lot of work and might not look good after 30 minutes.

When Hailey is changing her hair every other week, we can stay with the bob, and change it up any way we please. Also, there are so many ways to change it up that you’d have a hard time deciding how to.

The blunt bobs above are classic…they are what we think of when we think of the bob–smooth, straight and one length. As you can see in the pix here, the bob can go any way you like: wavy, curly or with lots of volume.

Above left, the bob is windblown. On the right, notice how the style is extra flirty with a long strand peeking out in front.

OMG… what a difference the Hailey’s bob is when its blond and long.

Now that you’ve seen how the bob can look, decide whether you have the nerve to try it. Start looking for images of the kind of bobs you like. Then talk to your hairstylist about what would work for you and take the plunge!

Photos from Instagram, X (Twitter) and WIREFAN

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